Home News Sea or Mountain Vacation with the kids?

Of course, the choice largely depends on the budget. Our advice is to plan in advance for periods when the offers are at greater discounts. This way you can choose to go to the mountains at the beginning of the summer and to the sea or vice versa at the end of the summer.

In Hotel Orpheus you will find Special Offers for summer vacation with the richest Active Summer Program with animation for children and adults included in the packages – All Inclusive or Breakfast and Dinner. Book in advance.

An unforgettable summer holiday for the whole family awaits you. Let us tell you how it all happens.

While mom is doing her Pilates workout, the kids are hiking in the mountains or playing games with the animators in the garden. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Indeed it is.

The “Active” program with animation for children and adults is specially designed to pay attention to each member of the family.

We divide the program into 3 conditional age groups – Active Kids, Active Teen and Active Fit. Animation for children over 4 years in the Children’s Corner “Orpheus” with animators – includes daily fun, educational and creative games. Every evening mini Disco and Cinema with a screening of favorite cartoons. When the weather is suitable, some activities take place outdoors in the hotel’s garden.

Active Teen is the adventure programme designed for older children over 7 which includes trips to attractions, hiking in the mountains, rides, adventure rope parks and outdoor games. This sometimes involves the whole family, but in fact the main goal of Active Teen is to limit the amount of time kids this age spend in front of screens – phone, tablet, laptop or TV.

Active Fit is a program of sports activities for adults – morning and afternoon workouts – stretching, pilates, dance fit and body fit, folk dance lessons and twice a week Horotech. Weekend Activities with guest instructors in Tabata, Kettlebell workouts, Kango Jumps, Zumba, Freestyler and more new and trendy workouts.

Each workout is tailored to the movement culture of the individual and most classes are suitable for absolute beginners.

Our team consists of professional animators and professional certified instructors with years of experience. Fortunately, some of you already know the instructors very well and are looking forward to the new sports meetings at Hotel Orpheus.

Proof of the success of the program are all our regular and very satisfied guests, whom we will be happy to welcome again this summer.

For more information about offers or programs with animation you can contact us.

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